Dimash's music videos always tell a complex story, and they are mostly based on Dimash's own idea. And they always reflect on an important, serious social phenomenon that is present in the everyday life of people in the modern world. Love's Not Over Yet is the story of a beautiful love born in the childhood of the two protagonists. This love is fulfilled in a happy, beautiful family. The husband and father is an architect, who seems to be away from his family a lot. The lyrics of the song and the video show this too. Distance, unspoken words, suppressed passion, regret.
Today's modern world is incredibly fast and only getting faster. With the help of the internet, in the online space, everything can be solved and almost at any time, even in a blink of an eye. Even really large geographical distances can be bridged in a few hours. And that's good. But it's also not good. Because the faster the world gets, the leaders of the time, and here let's just think of simple company managers as leaders, dictate an ever faster pace, because time is money, and the faster a project is implemented, the more money it brings. On the other hand, those who fall behind in the competition lose a lot of money. That's why there's enormous pressure on employees. I see this in the video too. The main character, played by Dimash, works in remote parts of the world, and provides the best possible life for his family this way. Because that's his goal, he wants to give his wife and little girl everything he can. But in the meantime, he's always absent.
In the video, we see his wife and daughter baking, cooking, and preparing for a birthday party to surprise the head of the family, but he calls his wife to say he can't go home yet. Work intervenes again. And this is obviously the umpteenth time, and the disappointment and frustration on the couple's face is palpable.
This is sad itself, but then comes the twist. This time the wife takes control and heads to the airport with her daughter, they board a plane, perhaps to surprise the protagonist who works far away. However, the flight seems to end in tragedy, because the plane becomes uncontrollable and seems to going to crash. The wife is texting her husband from the plan in panic, and we see the man to speeding at a crazy pace in his car, presumably towards the airport. And that's the end of Part 1.
After 8 years of waiting, Dimash gave Dears the song they were waiting for so long, and even added a beautiful, detailed, but sad story with the video. But what next? We know that there will be a Part 2, he already revealed this, and in today's Instagram post he also hinted that they are about to finished it.
Before I describe what ideas are coming to my mind about te sequel, there are a few things I would like to highlight.
- The two child protagonists are adorable, they resemble the adult characters and they act great. And the little girl who plays the couple's daughter is also great, her interaction with her mother is cute, and the terror on her face on the plane is real.
- At the very beginning of the video, when the little boy is hurriedly getting ready in his room, there are posters of Lara Fabian and Andrea Bocelli on the wall. Maybe it used to be the same in Dimash's own room.
- Also at the beginning of the video an English conversation can be heard in the background. It's Dimash's voice from an interview.
- The social phenomenon presented in school, "bullying", has serious implications. This is a deliberate, conscious action when children systematically target others, typically selecting the same victims and verbally and/or physically threatening and abusing them. Unfortunately, it often goes undetected because the abused party does not dare to report it due to the constant intimidation, or if they do, the school administration and/or parents do nothing about it. There are many cases known from the media when the abused child committed suicide, or suffered serious injuries from the abusers, or he/she caused injury or planned/carried out revenge when the string snapped. This is an important reminder for parents and teachers to notice the symptoms in children.
What can we expected in Part 2?
In the teaser, we saw the protagonist drinking in a bar, his whole being exudes hopelessness, anguish and anger. His appearance is a bit neglected, he doesn't shave. There's a news report on TV, about a crashed plane, maybe a trial. Does this suggest that the tragedy occurred and the plane crashed, and he lost his wife and little girl?
Perhaps. The lyrics of the song suggest this in several places, because they refer to agony, to regret, e.g. Cold has set in now that you've gone away; Day fades to night, nothing eases the pain; I'm haunted by the words I didn't say; Each time I close my eyes I see you here with me.
Or maybe not. And we hope not. But what could have happened?
- Does the plane crash, but the protagonist's family luckily survives the accident, but the woman becomes amnesiac due to her injury and doesn't remember her husband?
- Does the plane crash, the woman and her little girl survive, but end up in the hospital? But the young woman sitting behind them dies, and in the chaos she is mistaken for the protagonist's wife, and the husband is misinformed?
- Does the plane not crash and the main character doesn't lose his family? But then how does the story fit with the lyrics? Possibly, for example, the woman didn't board the plane with her daughter to surprise her husband, but traveled somewhere else to be away from him by her own decision, to think about their relationship, which is difficult due to the man's work. The man's anguish is still obvious because his work separates him from his family putting his marriage in danger, and puts the lives of his wife and daughter in danger as well.
- The plane isn't crashing, in fact, it didn't even take off? When the little girl gets into the taxi, her mother stops, as if something has hit her. A memory? A bad feeling? What if she suddenly feels that she shouldn't get on the plane because something bad will happen? And the thought runs through her head about how much pain her husband would experience if he lost them, and we see this vision in the video.
I have a few more ideas, but I'm not going to elaborate, I hope we'll see it soon and find out how the story continues and ends, and what song it's built around. Will Love's Not Over Yet stay, can there be two videos for one song? Or is there another song in the pipeline? The thought crossed my mind that maybe Dimash's own composition "Fire" will be the song for Part 2, which is about a person experiencing and showing passion, while in Love's Not Over Yet Dimash sings about the suppression of passion, and unspoken words.
One last thought in conclusion. The music video is about a man who is constantly away from his family because of his work, taking precious time away from his loved ones and himself. He obviously works that much because he wants to provide the best possible life for his family. It is difficult to reconcile this lifestyle with the role of a family man and husband. Dimash deliberately chose an architect as the main character of the video so that he would have no connection to music. But is that really the case? His own profession, the stage, his creative life often take him away from home for long periods of time. And he knows very well what this means for a family. We know that he has no concerts announced this year, only one in December. Maybe he wants to give a personal message to us, the fans, with this video...?